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Environment and Talent Management

At IT departments, in coordination with the ESG policies of the entire Hitachi Group, we are actively engaging in solutions to problems related to the environmental impact reduction.
In addition, we are accelerating the reallocation of IT resources, the training of human resources, and the securing of diverse human resources, promoting the globalization of IT human resources.

We will train human resources who have the capabilities to contribute via IT to the global business expansion of the Hitachi Group, transforming our IT human resources portfolio.
We will actively promote diversity, aiming to further change how employees think and develop their mindsets.

Percentage of human resources within Japan who handle global matters
Target value for FY 2024
Human resources who handle global matters: Human resources who fall into levels from 1 to 3 in the IT human resources portfolio

Transforming the IT human resources portfolio

To become global top-level IT departments, we are working to acquire and develop global IT talent, including digital talent, and to improve our skills and technologies. Specifically, to achieve the goals of the Hitachi Group's 2024 IT Medium-Term Plan, we will formulate a To-Be vision for our IT talent, review our IT talent portfolio, support career paths to achieve that vision, and work on strengthening our technological capabilities and skills. We are also cultivating highly skilled IT and DX#2 talent through such projects as the application of generative AI#1 (cutting-edge technology) to business operations. Furthermore, we aim to further strengthen our global response capabilities by having employees working in Japan participate in global IT projects. In FY 2023, we launched the Global IT Talent Development Promotion Team (GITD) and, since then, have been setting KPIs for trainees, creating detailed training plans, and developing global talent through both on-the-job and off-the-job training.

Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI#3)

Promoting DEI is one of the Hitachi Group's management strategies. Our IT departments are also actively engaged in this effort, aiming for sustainable growth for both the company and its employees.
From a medium- to long-term perspective, we aim to diversify our human resources and become an organization that is unbiased in terms of nationality, gender, experience (experience outside the Hitachi Group), and other factors. By communicating more proactively with employees, we will support fair and independent career development and create a culture (awareness and climate) in which diverse human resources can thrive. Starting from FY 2023, we have been appointing people outside Japan to new leadership positions with the aim of strengthening our strategy formulation and decision-making capabilities around the world. In particular, we have been appointing overseas talent to regional CIO#4 and other positions, and actively promoting personnel exchanges with Hitachi Group companies outside Japan. Going forward, we will continue to further accelerate our global businesses while respecting diversity.

AI: Artificial Intelligence
DX: Digital transformation
DEI: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
CIO: Chief Information Officer