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Environment and Talent Management

At IT departments, in coordination with the ESG policies of the entire Hitachi Group, we are actively engaging in solutions to problems related to the environmental impact reduction.
In addition, we are accelerating the reallocation of IT resources, the training of human resources, and the securing of diverse human resources, promoting the globalization of IT human resources.

In order to contribute to accelerated DX promotion and business growth throughout the entire Hitachi Group, the IT departments are formulating and promoting DX-related policies and strategies; providing expertise, shared platforms, and services; and training digital human resources.

Facilitating organic collaboration among IT departments in the Hitachi Group

The Hitachi Group is promoting internal operating reforms and business structural reforms through DX that makes use of AI#2 and digital technologies. Through these activities, we aim to formulate and implement IT and DX strategies for the Hitachi Group, develop a digital management infrastructure, and create a CoE#3 for IT and DX know-how, while also providing shared IT services and DX solutions to be used around the world.
Corporate's reform promotion department and IT department will work together to promote digital transformation for the whole company in a top-down manner. By implementing company-wide measures, we can avoid redundant investments within the Hitachi Group and contribute to the efficient horizontal deployment of DX know-how.
At the same time, IT departments provide support for the challenges and needs of business divisions by providing infrastructure, facilitating analysis, and developing talent, and they work with on-site staff who are familiar with business operations. Through these efforts, the IT departments help promote bottom-up digital transformation.
In addition, we have accumulated DX expertise and know-how (cultivated over the course of various in-house DX projects) in Lumada#4. Through the sharing of this expertise and know-how and through co-creation projects with customers and business partners, we will provide value to society.

Developing digital talent

To secure digital talent (personnel who drive digital transformation of the Hitachi Group as a whole), we are working to acquire and develop global IT and DX talent, and to improve our technologies and skills. We are enhancing our talent development through both on-the-job and off-the-job training, for example, by developing specialists through training and certification systems and by rotating personnel inside and outside Japan.
Furthermore, we are rolling out multifaceted measures (for example, by disseminating information, offering practical training, and carrying out in-house community activities) so that all employees can continuously work on the skills and expertise needed to promote digital transformation.

DX: Digital transformation
AI: Artificial Intelligence
CoE: Center of Excellence
Lumada: A collection of solutions, services, and technologies developed through the use of Hitachi's cutting-edge digital technologies. Lumada is intended to create value from customer data and accelerate digital innovations.
ERP: Enterprise resource planning
BU: Business unit