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Global Key Measures

Restructuring IT

To contribute to the expansion of social innovation businesses and to the realization of digital management, we aim to build a digital management platform that will be shared throughout the Hitachi Group.
Even as we expand our company scope and portfolio, this shared platform will provide information for growth and keep costs down.

We are providing advanced maintenance and operation services at lower costs by standardizing and consolidating IT services and IT operation processes.
We optimize the Hitachi Group's IT costs through unification of IT services at a global level, and are building a solid foundation for Hitachi to conduct business globally.

Improving cost efficiency through service integration and automation

We will standardize IT operational processes on a global scale, and consolidate IT systems that were individually developed by Hitachi Group companies into shared IT services (IT infrastructure and ERP#2).
We provide low-cost IT services and optimize IT resources through consolidation of IT operations and automation of service delivery processes.
In addition, we strive to further reduce costs by carrying out operations at low-cost sites.

Speeding up business launches and improving user convenience

To enable Hitachi Group employees to concentrate on their business without being concerned about where they work (country, region, etc.), we have been gradually providing shared IT services of uniform quality globally since FY 2023. In particular, we aim to simplify applications for IT services necessary for business operations, accelerate the speed of service provision, shorten lead times for OA equipment, and speed up troubleshooting by visualizing the status of IT services. Through these efforts, we are able to speed up the launch and expansion of business sites and to improve convenience for users along with global business deployment.

Improving security through global unification

To ensure that Hitachi Group employees can concentrate on their business without being exposed to external threats, we will globally apply shared IT services that meet Hitachi's security standards and strengthen security for the entire Hitachi Group.
Also, for Hitachi Group companies where security measures are not yet fully implemented, we will provide support services, such as automating security measures, and work to unify security policies at a global level.

Establishing shared IT services

GBS: Global Business Service
ERP: Enterprise resource planning