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Global Key Measures

Constructing a Digital Management Platform

To contribute to the expansion of social innovation businesses and to the realization of digital management, we aim to build a digital management platform that will be shared throughout the Hitachi Group.
Even as we expand our company scope and portfolio, this shared platform will provide information for growth and keep costs down.

We are continuously advancing the preparation of environments for accumulating and analyzing data, in order to expand the usage of data and produce business-related benefits.
By creating templates based on case examples of data utilization and associated knowledge, in addition to distributing this information both inside and outside the company, we will promote DX as part of standard operations and develop and distribute DX solutions that are linked to shared ERP#2 platforms. Through these efforts, we will contribute to the strengthening of managerial effectiveness and business competitiveness.

No. of DX cases (cumulative):
DX cases that use Lumada#3's internal environment
Results are from the end of FY 2023

Expanding business benefits through DX solutions

To enable timelier and more flexible management decisions across the Hitachi Group, we are establishing a digital management platform with a standardized data accumulation and analysis environment. By visualizing management information and providing predictive information using AI#4, we are creating benefits within the Hitachi Group. For example, the efforts are increasing sales, improving cost structures, and strengthening cash flow management. In addition, the efforts are improving compliance by promoting digital transformation of internal and external audits. We will also turn these case studies and know-how into solutions and provide them to our customers, thereby contributing to their digital transformation efforts.

The digital management platform will accumulate data from the shared ERP platform and each company's systems, establish a mechanism for utilizing it according to purpose, and promote digital transformation in various areas, including finance, sales, and manufacturing.
In the area of sales, in FY 2023 we developed order simulations based on project pipeline information, which enabled us to predict the probability and timing of receiving orders for a project. In FY 2024, we will work to roll out a company-wide management dashboard that will provide comprehensive support for management decisions in each business sector.

Improving DX literacy is important to make effective use of the digital management platform throughout the company. By developing our human resources and establishing an internal certification system, we will work to promote the wide-spread use of DX as a usual process among employees in charge of various operations, including IT and finance.
Data governance is extremely important for accumulating and utilizing data, which requires accuracy, comprehensiveness, and consistency. To accelerate the usage of management information globally, we are establishing common rules in the Hitachi Group regarding the use of management data. In addition, to maintain and improve quality, we will put in place a system for monitoring data quality.

DX: Digital transformation
ERP: Enterprise resource planning
Lumada: A collection of solutions, services, and technologies developed through the use of Hitachi's cutting-edge digital technologies. Lumada is intended to create value from customer data and accelerate digital innovations.
AI: Artificial Intelligence
BU: Business unit