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We introduce the patent for an IT platform, which is the result of Hitachi storage's advanced research and development.

Patent portfolio for Hybrid Cloud Technology

Hitachi expands high-reliability storage technologies supporting business system from on premise to cloud. Flexible system configuration and modification can be available by constructing common data foundation between on premise and cloud.

In addition, we realize unrestricted data utilization without location awareness in hybrid cloud.

Facilitate of cloud migration

Hitachi cloud storage inherits Hitachi on premise storage technologies and on premise and cloud storage can be commonalized.
Migration Burden such as reorganization of application parsing cloud specification and investigation/examination/design can be reduced.

High reliability and high availability of cloud storage

Hitachi cloud storage inherits Hitachi high-reliability storage technologies. High-reliability can be realized by multiplexing controller, unique data protection technology and capacity efficiency can be raised.
In case of occurring each failure of storage resource, I/O access can be continued and failure resistance in using cloud can be improved.

Seamless data collaboration

Remote Copy from on premise to cloud can be copied large capacity safety and fast and be improved portability and availability.
Local copy by using snapshot function in storage can be copied fast and capacity efficiency.

Note: The information on each page of this web site is as of its publication (Sept. 2024) and is subject to change without notice.