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Patent Portfolio(#1) for Storage Virtualization Technology

Hitachi implemented four types of advanced virtualization technology (storage-device virtualization, volume-capacity virtualization, storage-tier virtualization, and storage-system virtualization) to produce Hitachi’s enterprise storage products Hitachi Universal Volume Manager in 2004, Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning in 2007, Hitachi Dynamic Tiering in 2010, and Global Storage Virtualization in 2014.

Our development and implementation of the first three types of advanced virtualization technology received recognition and won the 46th Ichimura Industrial Award (Contribution Prize) #2.

Our implementation of the storage virtualization technology is a result of our dedication for advanced R&D focused on storage virtualization technology, and we have filed a large number of patent applications#3.

Hitachi VSP G1000: Storage virtualization based on Hitachi's advanced and reliable R&D

“Patent portfolio” refers to a patent asset applied for or owned by a company (applicant).
“Ichimura Industrial Award”
The prize is organized by the New Technology Development Foundation to commend technology developers or groups that developed outstanding technology and contributed to and accomplished the development of industrial field. The awards are given for a creative, revolutionary and globally high-level of technology, a technology that has a significant effect on the creation of new industrial fields and the expansion of market through the practical application of such technology, and a technology that takes a leading role in the growth of industry and society and is expected to have ripple effects. In 2014 one Grand Prize, one Achievement Award and 5 Contribution Awards are selected.
Please see the links below to the patents related to Hitachi’s storage virtualization technology.
Hitachi filed these patent applications in Japan in the years noted here, and filed patent applications in other countries with a claim for priority under Article 4 of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
Hitachi filed this patent applications as an international application under Patent Cooperation Treaty.

* The patent numbers listed here are U.S. patent numbers.

Note: The information on each page of this web site is accurate as of its publication (May 2021) and is subject to change without notice.