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Social Contribution Activities

Approach to Social Contribution Activities

Approach & Policy

Hitachi regards social contribution as an important activity that contributes to the sustainable development of both society and business, and actively promotes social contribution activities in regions where it operates. It is people themselves who create innovation to solve social issues, bringing about social impact and social good. Based on this belief, we adopted the social contribution statement, “Nurturing People, Connecting to the Future,” and we are engaged in various activities in three areas: STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics), the Environment, and Community support. Our activities in these areas also contribute to the Digital, Green, and Innovation growth drivers described in our Mid-term Management Plan 2024. In addition, in the materiality topic identified in fiscal 2022, we set a KPI related to next-generation talent development and are promoting activities.

Policy on Social Contribution Activities

Funding for Social Contribution Activities and Number of Participating Employees


The Hitachi Group and the Hitachi Global Foundation provided 2,442million yen in fiscal 2023 toward social contribution activities worldwide, including initiatives to cultivate a talented younger generation and financial donations and other support for disaster-struck areas. A total of 28,398 Hitachi Group employees (roughly 10.6% of total employees) participated in social contribution activities in fiscal 2023.

Breakdown of Funding for Social Contribution Activities in Fiscal 2023

graph : Breakdown of Funding for Social Contribution Activities in Fiscal 2023

*1 Japan: Hitachi, Ltd., 85 group companies (86 companies total), and the Hitachi Global Foundation.
Outside Japan: 166 companies.
Funding includes monetary and in-kind donations, independently organized programs, participation or dispatch of employees, and employee donations.
Funding excludes personnel costs incurred from the participation or dispatch of employees.

Support for Employee Social Contribution Activities


Hitachi believes that if each employee views social issues as their own and engages actively in social contribution activities it will lead to the growth of our entire organization. To this end, we create systems that facilitate employee participation in social contribution activities.

Social Contribution Scheme Enabling Hitachi and Employees to Provide Financial Support (Donations / Loans) Together

Hitachi has introduced a social contribution scheme whereby financial support (donations/loans) provided by employees is matched by the company. The scheme not only helps to improve employee engagement through active social contribution activities, but also gives added impact to the financial support provided by employees.

Matching Fund

Hitachi makes use of a matching fund that enables employees to donate to nonprofit organizations in response to disasters, accidents, disease outbreaks, or other such social problems. This matching fund utilizes a service provided by Canada's Benevity which gives employees the ability to select the NPOs of their choice swiftly according to the social issues faced. To date, employees and the company have donated a total of 91 million yen, with approximately 1.4 million yen having been donated in fiscal 2023 alone.


Hitachi uses microfinance to provide loans to business owners in seven fields (agriculture, education, construction, healthcare, housing, manufacturing, and transportation) that contribute to solving social issues to so that people in developing countries can become more self-reliant. This microfinance utilizes the crowdfunding platform provided by the US NPO Kiva Microfunds, which works with microfinance institutions around the world online to provide individual support by matching borrowers with lenders. To date, employees and the company have provided a total of USD 3.9 million in loans to 88,000 borrowers in 63 countries, with a total of USD 750,000 provided in fiscal 2023. Hitachi sees microfinance as a way to break the chain of poverty in developing countries and so will continue to work to support this type of financial service.

Life Support Leave System

Hitachi, Ltd. has introduced Life Support Leave, a multi-purpose paid leave system designed to balance work and family, career development, and social contribution (volunteer activities outside of work, participation as a donor for bone marrow or organ donations, etc.) based on different needs at each life stage. The leave system also encourages autonomous work styles. Employees can take up to five days leave per year by using this system. 3,083 people took leave under this system in fiscal 2023, of which 68 (190 times) used it for volunteer purposes.

Giving Week Campaign

Hitachi Digital, Hitachi Digital Services, and Hitachi Vantara host an annual global Giving Week to encourage employee volunteerism, addressing social issues specific to each country. Initiatives include mangrove planting, coastal and riverbank cleanups, to empowering women with leadership skills training, and providing essential items, such as food, clothing, and hygiene products, to underserved communities. In fiscal 2023, a total of 657 people took part in these activities around the world.

Examples of Social Contribution


Hitachi engages in a wide range of social contribution activities, both globally and in local communities, with the aim of resolving social issues. Specific social contribution activities are published on social media with the hashtag #HitachiSocialGood.

Developing and Empowering Next-Generation Human Capital


Fostering Next-Generation Leaders in Asia through the Hitachi Young Leaders Initiative

Hitachi Ltd. and Hitachi Asia have been supporting the Hitachi Young Leaders Initiative since 1996 with the aim of developing young leaders who will lead the next generation in Asia. The four-day program consisting of forums, workshops, and fieldwork prepared for university and graduate students from seven ASEAN countries and Japan. Participants discuss and exchange opinions on social issues facing ASEAN, and on the final day of the program, they make specific proposals for solving these social issues. As of the end of July 2024, a total of 437 program participants are each playing an active part in various fields such as international organizations, government, companies, and NPOs.

Hitachi Young Leaders Initiative

Support for Talent Development in Science and Engineering

Aiming to develop the next generation of science and engineering talent, Hitachi provides opportunities for the younger generation to experience science and technology.
Hitachi High-Tech has supported science education since the 1990s, using its own tabletop electron microscopes. To date, the organization has offered outreach classes and loaned tabletop electron microscopes in 31countries and regions, and provided learning opportunities to approximately 60,000 people in fiscal 2023. We seek to cultivate talent who will lead the development of science and medical technology by stimulating interest in science and technology and by supporting research activities in more countries and regions.

Hitachi High-Tech Science Education Support

GlobalLogic Social Contribution Activities in India

GlobalLogic believes in being socially responsible, and the company’s Grow to Give motto embodies this belief. As the company succeeds and progress, employees make sure to give back to and support their communities. One of the key programs under this approach is Educate to Empower through which the company supports quality education for around 6,000 children across India. This initiative empowers underprivileged children by giving them access to quality education, with a special focus on girls. In fact, the program ensures that at least 50% of participants are girls, creating equal opportunities for all. STEM Innovation Lab is another GlobalLogic-supported program towards creating an ecosystem that supports student learning in science by setting up STEM and robotics lab in government schools. These STEM labs give girls a chance to discover 21st century skills and spark their interest in STEM and modern technologies such as Robotics—all while having fun and learning. Through these initiatives, GlobalLogic ensures everyone gets a fair shot at learning, paving the way for them to become the brilliant innovators that will shape the future.

Humanitarian Aid to Disaster and Conflict-Affected Areas Both in Japan and Overseas

Support for the Noto Peninsula Earthquake

Hitachi donated a total of 62.8 million yen to the Japanese Red Cross and other organizations to help provide relief and rebuild lives for those affected by the Noto Peninsula earthquake that struck Japan's Hokuriku region in January 2024. Furthermore, in addition to providing supplies such as food and drink, and our own products to evacuation centers and medical institutions, we also carried out other initiatives including employee fundraising at group companies and fundraising activities at Kashiwa Reysol soccer matches and event venues.

Hitachi to Donate to Support the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Relief Efforts

Support for the Wildfires in Maui, Hawaii, the United States

Hitachi donated a total of USD 100,000 (approximately 14.5 million yen) to the Maui Fire Relief Fund set up by the Japanese Red Cross Society and Aloha United Way, a nonprofit organization in the United States. Donations were made in August 2023 to help people displaced by the wildfires on Maui, Hawaii, and to support the recovery of affected areas.

Hitachi to Donate to Support the Maui Wildfires Relief Efforts in Hawaii, U.S.

Providing Donations for Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine

Hitachi, Ltd. is providing ongoing humanitarian aid to those affected by the war in Ukraine and those who have fled to neighboring areas. In fiscal 2023, a total of 17.3 million-yen worth of clothing and cold weather supplies was delivered through the International Organization for Migration and the nonprofit organization Dobrodary. In addition, Hitachi makes donations to the Red Cross, UNICEF, and World Central Kitchen via its matching fund (approx. 0.8 million yen in fiscal 2023).

Contributing to Society through the Hitachi Global Foundation

The Hitachi Global Foundation conducts activities that contribute to the public good centered on three areas: promotion of academic research, science and technology, human development, and realization of an inclusive society. These contributions are in line with the intention of Namihei Odaira, the founder of Hitachi, to contribute to society through business activities.
In fiscal 2023, to promote academic research, science and technology, we held our second interim report meeting for five research projects funded by the Hitachi Fund Support for Research Related to Infectious Diseases. Applications and nominations for the 55th Kurata Grants and Fourth Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award also took place in fiscal 2023, and the grant recipients and research findings of the award winners have been shared publicly. In the area of human development, we have continued to conduct the Hitachi Future Innovator Program at elementary schools. In addition, in the field of realizing an inclusive society, we have launched a new e-journal, Hitachi Global Foundation Global Society Review, as a forum for academic experts to exchange opinions and engage in constructive dialogue.

Examples of the Hitachi Global Foundation Activities

Area Activity Details
Promotion of Academic Research, Science and Technology The Kurata Grants A grant program supporting researchers working to solve global social issues by subsidizing original pioneering research in the natural sciences and engineering, and research in humanities and the social sciences related to highly technological societies.
[Cumulative grants awarded by the end of fiscal 2023: 1,613]
The Hitachi Global Foundation Science and Technology Seminars An awareness-raising initiative providing opportunities for the public to learn more about cutting-edge science technology topics, with the aim of supporting people in discovering the fascinating fields of science.
[Exploring the mysteries of Sleep: From Basic Research to Sleep Wellness held in fiscal 2023]
19th The Hitachi Global Foundation Science and Technology Seminar (Japanese only)
The Hitachi Global Foundation Asia Innovation Award An initiative providing awards for achievements in research and development in science and technology innovation that help to solve social challenges in the ASEAN region.
[Cumulative awards given as of the end of fiscal 2023: 55]
Hitachi Fund Support for Research Related to Infectious Diseases A research grant initiative aimed at promoting academic investigations, analysis, and considerations based on data and evidence for issues that became apparent under COVID-19. The aim of the grant is to share findings and research results internationally.
Second Interim Report Meeting - Event Report
Human Development Hitachi Future Innovator Program An exploratory learning program designed to help children themselves discover and solve problems at school with the aim of creating an ideal school, with Hitachi Group employees serving as instructors to support learning by giving advice on the children’s ideas
[Cumulative schools and students participating by the end of fiscal 2023: 23 schools and 1,674 students]
Girls in Science Support Project A program aiming to support science and engineering education for women by showing the rewards of science and engineering careers to female junior and senior high school students in Japan.
[Dialogue and Workshops with Female Role Models in Science and Technology Held in Fiscal 2023]
PIONEER TALK (Japanese only)
Realization of an
Inclusive Society
Realization of an Inclusive Society A program urging a new understanding among citizens for the purpose of creating inclusive societies in which people accept various viewpoints and values.
[Launch of the Hitachi Global Foundation Global Society Review in fiscal 2023. Aiming to be a hub for new research and network building, the electronic journal effectively serves as a platform for experts in academic fields related to inclusion to interact and share their expertise with one another, promoting organic connections and deepening research on an inclusive society.]
Hitachi Global Foundation Global Society Review (Japanese only)

The Hitachi Global Foundation