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Governance Data

Corporate Governance

Leadership Demographics

  Unit   Gender Nationality
    Total Men Women Japanese Non-Japanese
Directors People 12*1 10 2 7 5
Executive officers 35 33 2 27 8
Executive officers and corporate officers 76 67 9 57 19
Ratios of women and non-Japanese executive officers and corporate officers %     11.8   25.0

Note :As of June 2024

*1Including nine independent directors (four from Japan and five from outside Japan)

Business Ethics and Compliance

Business Ethics and Compliance Training

  Reporting Boundary Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of participants of business ethics and compliance training Hitachi Group People - - 341,888 331,525 293,985
Participation rate of business ethics and compliance training Hitachi Group % - - 99.1 95.1 79.2

Note :Since fiscal 2023, only the number of participants who completed the training and the participation rate during the training period set in conjunction with the Hitachi Group Ethics & Compliance Month have been disclosed.

Hitachi Global Compliance Hotline (Whistleblower System)

Hitachi Global Compliance Hotline (Whistleblower System)
  Reporting Boundary Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of compliance reports Hitachi Group Total Cases 459 639 1,023 1,276 1,619
(By category) HR issues (Labor management, travel expenses, commuting costs, etc.) Cases - - 226 294 265
Harassment - - 341 457 673
Financial - - 27 34 69
Procurement - - 26 29 8
Competition law - - 3 2 6
Bribery - - 30 31 46
Others - - 370 429 552
(By area) Americas Cases - - 238 343 392
Europe - - 98 202 217
Middle East/North Africa - - 54 59 46
Sub-Sahara - - 13 4 7
APAC (excluding Japan) - - 234 240 335
Japan - - 386 428 622

Note :Breakdown numbers are disclosed from fiscal 2021.