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Climate Change Mitigation/Adaptation

For a decarbonized society
Through the value chain CO2 emissions FY 2050 80%reduction FY 2030 50%reduction

Efforts to Achieve a Decarbonized Society

To help build a decarbonized society, Hitachi has set the target and strive to achieve carbon neutrality throughout the value chain by fiscal 2050 as part of the long-term environ mental targets we call Hitachi Environmental Innovation 2050.

Major Initiatives for Reducing CO2 Emissions at Business Sites (Factories and Offices)

Concrete efforts to achieve carbon neutrality at business sites, categorized by location type (factories, offices), can be outlined as shown below.

Major Initiatives for Reducing CO2 Emissions at Business Sites (Factories and Offices)
  • Improve equipment efficiency by introducing and upgrading to high-efficiency equipment (Determine priority measures and manage introduction and upgrade rates)
  • Improve production efficiency and energy use efficiency during production through use of the Lumada platform and production technologies cultivated from our long years of experience
  • Optimize equipment operations and reduce wasted energy by installing smart meters
  • Review product designs and processes
  • Optimize control of equipment operations in response to production conditions
  • Build / move to new facilities with high energy efficiency
  • Combine and integrate existing facilities
  • Install energy-saving equipment and optimize equipment operations in collaboration with building owners
Factories and offices
  • Install renewable energy systems
  • Procure electricity from non-fossil power sources
  • Utilize energy attribute certificates
  • Utilize renewable energy with additionality*2 through corporate PPA*1
  • Engage in capital investment to reduce CO2 through the use of Hitachi Internal Carbon Pricing (HICP)

*1Corporate PPA: A contract whereby a corporation, municipality, or other legal entity purchases electricity generated by renewable energy from a power producer on a long-term basis (usually 10 to 25 years). PPA stands for power purchase agreement.

*2Additionality: An increase in effect of installing new renewable energy equipment.

Expanding the Decarbonization Business

Hitachi provides value to customers and society, contributing to a decarbonized society through businesses that reduce CO2 emissions and collaborative creation with customers.
Hitachi operates under three business domains: Green Energy and Mobility, Digital Systems and Services, and Connective Industries. Among these domains, we are growing the following businesses, which contribute to decarbonization.

CO2 Emission Reductions at Business Sites (Factories and Offices) and Hitachi Carbon Neutrality 2030

In working toward realizing a decarbonized society, Hitachi has set the goal of realizing carbon neutrality by fiscal 2030 at all business sites (factories and offices) as part of its long-term environmental targets called Hitachi Environmental Innovation 2050.
Our roadmap to achieving this goal sets targets of reducing CO2 emissions by 50%, compared to the base year, by fiscal 2024 and 80% by fiscal 2027 toward realizing carbon neutrality by fiscal 2030.

  • Businesses that help to accelerate the energy shift aimed at realizing decarbonization, and that provide safe, comfortable, and clean mobility (Green Energy and Mobility)
  • Businesses that help to reduce CO2 emissions by using cutting-edge digital technologies to improve the efficiency of systems that underpin society (Digital Systems and Services)
  • Businesses that help to decarbonize industries and cities by creating a resilient supply chain (Connective Industries)

CO2 reduction roadmap

CO2; reduction roadmap (as of Mar. 2023)

*1In fiscal 2023, the amount decreased due to the deconsolidation of auto parts-related companies.